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... We are craftsman of silicon and wood, metal and wire, of  lines of code and fine lines....

Present economic conditions have forced us to go into a "hibernation mode"
There will be continued development, but no planned inventory, no waitlists, and no open sales.
Contact us directly for any custom product inquiry.


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It's what's inside that counts...

You hear this all the time but is still so often it is true. 


Inside these instruments is a powerhouse of discrete, unique, complex no-holds-barred analog and digital circuits that pay homage to both Moog and Buchla style synthesis while adding several decades of new ideas and tech.

We pay our respect to those greats, but not by copying or reproducing their achievements.  We say let them have their place in history.  But like all advancements, we leverage the wisdom of the past and then reach beyond.


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Monophonic Synth Voice Module with Patch storage
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4, 6 or 8 Voice Polyphonic Analog-Hybrid Performance Synthesizer.
... But its also how it makes you feel

An instrument that reflects who you are and how you create is one that draws you in.

Aesthetics matter.  Workflow matters. tactile and haptic feedback matter.

A violin is not just the sound, it's the beauty of the wooden carvings, the way it rests under your chin.

You want an instrument that speaks to you and energizes your creative spirit.  We get it. 


So tell us what moves you and we will do our best to make an instrument fit just for you.


Illiad Nucleus 4-37-FX Synth.png
> Monophonic up to 8 Voices.
> 3,4 or 5 Octave Keybed
> Desktop Option
> Custom Colors & Graphics
> Other ideas? Let's talk!

Hand-crafted instruments Stradivarius would be proud of... and Rick Wakeman would leave his Minimoog for.

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